Wednesday, August 02, 2006 |
Thank You | Madeline in the Mirror, who was kind enough to include me on TGP:
Erotic love and the word. Two of my favorite things (are there other things?), and O, of Eros, Logos has them both. I love that she intersperses her stories about sex with smart and insightful observations about human nature.
She says more, but it makes me blush.
Madeline, I'd tell you a story any day...if you'd promise to tell me one of yours.
Love, O
Please be sure to visit Madeline's own blog, if you don't already know it, at the first link. Thanks! |
posted by O @ 23:31   |
You just name the time and place, darlin'.
And thank you for your words which make me tingle at both ends of my spine.
i am also very grateful to madeline for showing me your blog.
if everyone's sharing stories, save me a seat!
I'm sorry; I've had a houseguest and have more coming in a few days--this is my first chance to answer!
Madeline, you are so sweet, and make me all tingly myself. love O
meg, you are clearly another girl after my own heart. Thank you for the comment, and more, for the sentiment. I've been reading your blog too for a little whie now; I'll be adding your link as soon as I update--hopefuly later today.
Storytime! yay!
love O
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You just name the time and place, darlin'.
And thank you for your words which make me tingle at both ends of my spine.