Sunday, July 02, 2006 |
Hole |
I'm on my hands and knees. I tilt my hips up, but I want to tip them up higher. I have to drop down so that I'm on my elbows and my face is in the pillow. I can't support myself with just my hands; my arms will shake too much, because all of me is trembling. The same way I can't come standing up unless he holds me up, my knees and all of me goes weak, liquid, hot.
His hands hold me open, his hands on my ass, splitting all of me open for him to take, see, know. I don't know what I will feel first, or where. I want this, this sort of exposure, and it also frightens me in a way. I hold my breath, or try to. I feel this naked and vulnerable with him anyway, all the time, this is only the physical symbol of that.
What I feel--it's not him opening me with his cock. Not yet.
He lays his cock against me, against my open cunt, the tip towards my ass, his balls against my clit. He rubs his length of his cock between and against my opening and wet lips. Not inside me yet, he just wants the shaft against me, to feel the heat and wetness generating there.
I reach back. I need more contact, I take his balls on one hand and press them gently against me, my clit.
(this is when I begin to lose control over my silence.)
He's teasing himself, but also me.
I feel him pull back, I let go, there's suddenly cool air there hitting me, where his cock was. Then the head of it. Just pressing there, against my clit.
Show me, [O], my lover says, use me. Use my cock. Show me.
I reach back. I don't speak. I don't have words for this. I take his cock in my hand, the heft and weight and thickness, the bloodpulse of it, and I press the swollen head of it against my clit. Slippery, hard also, wanting.
I know [X] loves to watch, and needs to see my need, not only feel it.
I rub him against me and feel his hands tighten on my ass and hips, his fingers digging in, I hear his intake of breathe, the choked gasp like the one I'm making, have been, smothered.
I turn my face against the pillow, I know he wants to see me.
Now I'm teasing me, but also him. Up, down, around, getting the head of his cock shiny slick, wet, moving down and rubbing it against me, where I'm opening. I dont push him in yet, I pull back, up, to my clit again.
Then I have to. I guide the head of his cock to me, I press him in.
Just the head, stretching me open and invading me. It takes a minute always to adjust to that, this penetration of one's most secret self my another, no matter how much you want it and are ready and aching and demanding it. Even though it also feels most natural, like the key turning in a lock, something built to fit, there is this moment of invasion and acceptance.
He pushes in, giving me a moment to adjust, take him in. One inch, two. The thickness of the head, the slight dip after it, then the thickness of the shaft, only one inch. Count. Breathe. Open.
More. Give me more of you, now.
I want more. I want him to press ahead. I want all. He stops, waits. Breathe. I feel how wet I am, how it runs out of me. I reach around. I take the rest of his cock in my hand. I push back on him.When he slides into me now my hands find the metal of my bedstead. I need to hang on to something. I have to. My fingers wrap around the metal, my nails bite into my hands. I know he can see my hands clutching, cam see my knuckles are white. This involuntary movement also tells him I want him, and what I want, just like my hips and ass thrusting up against him tell him as surely and truly as any words I might say.
This is the other language, the body-language, the one lovers are fluent in and speak secretly and privately and only to each other. It's the language of rhythm and pulse and throb like that of the heart that keeps beating even when we want it to stop; it beats I am, I am. It matters but it also doesn't matter in this instant that he also fucks another, because this is our language of need for each other, and no other. Inviolate, he violates me. What is desire like, for men? For me, for women I think, it's this sudden awareness of this absence, this hollow, this need to be filled, this emptiness that didn't exist before. Suddenly we feel it, suddenly it exists, it did not exist until we wanted someone. Now it's there, an ache, a hollow, sudden, piercing.
It's like love in a way, the need for one specific Other, suddenly, to be complete. Something not-us and once not-known is now essential, necessary.
Now he fucks me, driving deep and slow. Pulls my hips back onto him with each thrust, feels me pushing back, yes, now, this, deep. Not pulling his cock out of me all the way, only pulling back an inch, thrusting again, he needs to be in me deep, all the way.
I tilt my ass up for him, I want him that deep, it hurts and I want that hurt, that pain when he hits my cervix, that mouth there hungry also. I love to be fucked like this, and I love it when he fucks me like this, because he splits me open, fills me, I love his cock and need it--this cock, this man. This cock is beautiful and the largest I have ever known, it hurts, fills, rends, gives pleasure through pain--but it is attached to this man, this one, and I want both just this deeply. Like this. Inside.
Inside me, the tight secrecy of the self split open, apart. This is why I need him to fuck me like this, ass in the air and my cunt and ass opened to him fully, all of me opened and splayed wide for fingers or tongue or cock. Any of them, anywhere. Fill me.
Now he pauses, pulls back. The head of his cock still in me, and i want him to plunge in again, to drive deep and deeper still. I also want his cock in my mouth, I want that too. Or to feel him pressing against me opening up my ass. to feel his cock nudging me there, prying me open with just the head, I cannot take more yet but I want to take all, but I love to feel him coming in me there, I love how his come will run out of me after, I love the pain and the way I will feel his cock in me long after, that memory of being joined when we're not.
I'm waiting, how will he fuck me, where?
Make me whole, fill me. |
posted by O @ 23:35   |
Just when I think you have written your best, you write something better. I consider it a privilege to be allowed this insight into your brain O, an honour to be allowed to share in these thoughts and desires. They are truly beautiful
Your S xxx
I have been a long time lurker here - your writing expresses so beautifully the thoughts and desires of this woman and so may others...thank you for sharing it with us...
Desire, Filled by another. Connected in all ways. Amazing writing, Amazing images that it brings.
"What is desire like, for men?" I'll attempt an answer, though I'll sound like an entry for the Bad Sex Prize. It's the annihilation of oneself, the creation of a new animal with eight limbs, two backs...the only peaceful and happy moments I can remember are when I have become oblivious to anything but myself and my lover. This brutal physical desire is rare and memory of it is as hard to recall as the memory of pain.
Once again you have stirred emotions and feelings from deep inside most of us. Your words weave such an erotic image ...thank you.
I thought of Blake too: What is it men in women do require? The lineaments of gratified Desire. What is it women do in men require? The lineaments of gratified Desire
Scarlet my love,
You are just too kind to me, as always. Stop it!--- Im very grateful and happy to know you and have you for my friend.
always your melanie
dear jack,
I like a man who likes Magritte!-- I do also.
Thank you, very much, for liking it and for taking the time to say so. I really appreciate it
Best O
I'm always so touched -- and also amazed-- when someone reads and says they like my writing; I'm even more amazed if they should say they have been reading for a while. Thank you so much!!
with best wishes, O
you are so sweet! I must say that I am enjoying your blog very much, and looking forward to reading more, so your comments on my writing are very dear to me, personally. I love your blog and the intesity of emotion there. Thank you
best O
Darling Swain,
It's the annihilation of oneself, the creation of a new animal with eight limbs, two backs...the only peaceful and happy moments I can remember are when I have become oblivious to anything but myself and my lover.
I agree entirely. This is the spiiritual aspect of physical love that I think you have described and caught so well, what is most physical yet transcends the "merely" physical. In that regard, I don't think this differs between women and men. This is what is in common. This is what i want to capture as best I may.
I'm afraid my question was rather more specific. I have wondered before about the physical differences between men and women, and what differences this must mean, on the sensual level of experience. I remember so distinctly when i first fell in love and had a lover--I remember I envied my male gay friends, because what i wanted was to know exactly what my lover felt, to be that close--and i could not be. I will say more later...
This brutal physical desire is rare and memory of it is as hard to recall as the memory of pain.
like pain also, words are inadequate to it, even if we could recall such sensations as clearly as they were experienced. I always feel this struggle in putting words to suck are right.
Love O
Spirit, thank you. I appreciate wht you have said, and i appreciate that you read me, and have taken the time to comment. Many of my friends speak highly fo your own writing; I promise i will be by to visit as soon as I can
best O
darling swain,
I thought of Blake too: What is it men in women do require? The lineaments of gratified Desire. What is it women do in men require? The lineaments of gratified Desire
I do love Blake and am so pleased to see this in a comment...the funny thing, (or perhaps not), though I do not remember this in Blake, i did write something very recently, not here but in my diary, with lines that are very similar. Of course you did also pick up on the Bach reference recently, which was not really a reference but an intimation. I should not be surprised. Love O
the tight secrecy of the self split open, apart.
just so - because more so than for men women have that secrecy. we cover ourselves and men do too, certainly, but not in the same way. for us it is serious. our own flesh hides our most pleasureable spots; when we're aroused they only barely push outward. perhaps a physiological difference that leads to a psychological one.
(in any case, the erotica was hot.)
I wanted the geekiness of my comment to correspond directly to the hotness of your writing. So that meant digging deep, summoning vast stores of geekiness lurking within.
I went looking for something in the language of deconstruction to describe the three paragraphs roughly in the middle, which comprise a brief meditation on physical language, desire, and love. My sense was of an absense at the core, a "hole" around which the piece revolves. Absence because it describes unvoiced language, poses an un-answered question, and describes desire and even love as a present emptiness.
So, here's a quote from Wikipedia's entry on Deconstruction (hey, this is 21st-Century Geekiness) describing the phenomenon I was looking for, something Derrida called "invagination" (idn't that great?):
The fact that a thing can be added-to to make it even more "present" or "whole" means that there is a hole (which Derrida called an originary lack) and the supplement can fill that hole. The metaphorical opening of this "hole" Derrida called invagination. From this perspective, the supplement does not enhance something's presence, but rather underscores its absence.
I'm sure that's what you had in mind when you called the piece "hole," right? yrs., lvx
It's like reading biology. Cunt, ass, fuck.
Anon: If all the sky were paper and the ocean an inkwell and both at my disposal, I still couldn't express the craggy depths of my disdain for the aparently popular notion that imagery qua imagery makes for better writing. On the other hand, brevity is the soul of wit, so you get some points there!
O: Damn, that's good writin' girl. I'm always astonished by how you can coax such beautiful song out of the most secretive of moments.
Lumivox: I went looking for something in the language of deconstruction to describe the three paragraphs roughly in the middle, which comprise a brief meditation on physical language, desire, and love. My sense was of an absense at the core, a "hole" around which the piece revolves.
Oh my gosh - I'm in love with your mind! Geeks rule! And yes, I'm absolutely certain this is exactly what O had in mind when she titled the piece hole ;)
Anon: Your comment. It's like reading nothing. Anon, y, mous.
Anon, whilst of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, it also helps if that opinion has some depth to it. There is a great deal of power to be gained from the use of words such as "fuck" and "cunt". It is about MORE than creating an image, it's about creating the power behind it, and this post, and every other I have read of "O's" has it in spades.
Do you ever have to wonder why you are my Her-o? -p
Well, physically, for a guy, the majority of the stimulation involves the ol' penis. For most of our lives, we awaken with an erection, ready to go. Therefore, we have a desire that drives us to satisfy a very physical need.
As a so beautiful put it:
our own flesh hides our most pleasurable spots; when we're aroused they only barely push outward. perhaps a physiological difference that leads to a psychological one.
This, in my opinion, is what seems to allow many males the ability to engage in intercourse without the emotional connection that many women seem to require. Out sex organ is right there, every morning, demanding attention.
So when there is no emotional connection, the explosion of an orgasm seems to centre on the penis in that base chakra. It drains the desire, putting you in 'time to sleep, problem solved' mode. This, for me, is the typical feeling involved with masturbation. I suspect it's typical for males who are not feeling that emotional connection. This is speculation on my part, since I'm broken and have to have an emotional connection to engage sexually with someone. I have to be, as it's sometimes defined, intimate.
When there is that connection, the orgasm is different. Mostly due to the fact that, again, my opinion, you have spent a decent amount of time making love with everything except your penis. You are kissing and licking and touching and biting and, hopefully, arousing your lover to the point that the very act of coitus effects that connection between you on levels beyond the physical. Then, the orgasm goes beyond the base chakra, pulling your other chakras right down your spine to deliver you into the little death. When you recover, you want to wrap yourself around her and do it all over again. Well, A sip of water isn't amiss. As the girl in the movie said: "Fucking makes us thirsty.".
Sorry for all of the blather just for the two sentences on my view of male desire.
Oh god, so you, so intensely hot and explicit ... You are a master in writing these scenes dear, and you know that very well !! (lol). Every moment of it so real, so inviting, so visible. And, that dilemma of wanting it all at the same time .... LOVELY.
(sorry for the lack of comments recently, too many projects going on ... Will be ‘back’ shortly) - Hugs - A
Paul Simon wrote.. The last train is nearly due, The underground is closing soon, And in the dark deserted station, Restless in anticipation, A man waits in the shadows. A Poem on the Underground Wall
That anticipation, that desire, is so evident in your words. Beautiful.
Beautiful...just as I remeber.
this is one amazing, sexy post.I am glad to have run into your blog!!!
Mmm, the best one yet, O. There's something arousing about facing away from each other, to not know (or pretend to not know) what the other looks like or sounds like. It creates a closer connection than it might seem.
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Just when I think you have written your best, you write something better. I consider it a privilege to be allowed this insight into your brain O, an honour to be allowed to share in these thoughts and desires. They are truly beautiful
Your S xxx