Wednesday, January 24, 2007 |
state of my union |
Tricia The magic 8-ball suggests I post again, and who am I to argue? I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. My own was postponed til recently. Life has been too busy to allow for the blogging of it. I have handed in two chapters of my dissertation since I last posted, spent just over two weeks with my friend Tricia and her family, and am now back home, expecting a dear friend from London tomorrow who will be staying for a week.
I have been somewhat productive in my work life, for a change. I should have another chapter done by the first week in february, and suddenly have some other papers cooking as well on a variety of topics, oddly enough. It's not yet daybreak in my city of Diss, but something is happening. This writing leaves me no time for writing here, which is sad, because for me those engines usually work together: writing my real work means I am having a lot of sex, and the converse generally holds also. These engines fuel each other.
There have been a number of other developments as well. This month is traditionally one during which I hibernate. I will try to write about why that is so, but I am not sure I can.
I have also apparently been nominated for best female sex blogger over at Dirtyspoke, home of Playboy radio. I'm grateful to those who nominated me, and to those who have voted for me, but it's not something I think I deserve. Many wonderful blogs were not nominated--most of my favourites, actually. My favourite 'sex blogs' are ones which are about more than sex, and as such are often likely to not be read by many, I think.
I would urge people voting in my category to vote for my blog goddess chelsea girl: she should have been nominated in the best sex blog category as well. As i have said before, her blog is my favourite blog and one I read daily, as it was even before I knew her. My daily blog reading list would probably surprise you. It's mostly science and political blogs, and some literature ones. (I'm over at Glenn Greenwald and PZ Myers more than once a day, to name two.)
Chelsea's is the only "sex blog" or personal blog that I read every day. I read her because she writes beautifully and bravely, and most of all because she makes me think. Check out this post on being a sexblogger, for example. She could be writing on numismatism and still be the best writer out there, and be my daily read.
here's who I am voting for, and also some people I wish had been nominated: Best sex blog: jefferson, one life take two. Not nominated here, but should have been: viviane's sex carnival, figleaf's real adult sex.
Best female sex blog: chelsea girl. Not nominated, but should have been: gracie's playground, miss syl at sexeteria, yen at if the collar fits.
best male sex blog: gracie's plaything: a terrific blog. Some other great blogs which should have been nominated: artful dodger, graphite thoughts, sweat shop sissy. Also a new blog: tom paine.
best group or couples blog: desire x. Not nominated, but should have been: Aragorn and Orchid, deviant dreams.
sexiest sex blogger: I'm voting for Violet Blue, but she should have been nominated: Always Aroused Girl.
There are many other great blogs I am leaving out. I found two new blogs recently with terrific photos of the author, which certainly should have been nominated in the sexiest sex blogger category, and I can't remember them. There are other ones I love best that I haven't mentioned because they don't fall easily or neatly or at all into the sex blog category: learn, lovelorn swain, devil in blue, and also juno henry are some. Some of these have a lot of sexual content, but in all cases are about more than sex.
My blogcrushes will be detailed in a seperate forthcoming post, I think.
So that's the state of my union. Go vote!

cheers O
PS I love scrabble. Go here to play. I am always playing with Tricia my scrabble ho, woodnotwood vs eroslogos or similar, if you want to peek. Drop me a note if you're a scrabble fan and want to play; I usually have a few games running besides the permanent one with T, and am always happy for a new challenge. |
posted by O @ 22:52   |
You deserve the nom too, baby.
You think I'm sexy? ***blushing***
you are so kind! sorry, but i already voted for you.
good luck to everyone! remember - there is no "I" in F-U-C-K!
(jesus, that was stupid)
v_slut you're so cute -- and it wasn't stupid, there's a fine line between stupidity and brilliance -- and truly, there is no I in fuck. I just looked it up in the dictionary ;)
O I miss you baby. The parking lot coyotes have been howling your name all night. I hope it's warm in your box.
I vote where you vote. And I agree, there were many great writers and HNTers left off that list.
Dearest O,
It is my sincere belief that you more than deserve your nomination... and thank you so much for your kind words about my little journal.
Your voting suggestions more or less follow mine, word for word. Obviously we share similar great taste in erotic literature. Cliches to follow at a later date.
Oh, and i'm up for scrabble... anytime. Thesauruses at twenty paces, (thesaurii?), witching hour in NY... does that work for you? ;-)
Love, Juno x
You're a ninny. I voted for you.
And if two freaking chapters isn't a daybreak, then my pathetic scribblings are still the dark far before the dawn.
thanks, dude.
chelsea girl
Vote early, vote often, they say. it is interesting that you choose to take yourself out of the race, but I value your honesty in this.
Good luck on the diss.
i think you should win for being "the most modest".
come on O, you deserve it and nominated you for everything i could (damn if you only had a penis too). *wink*
be proud of yourself in this silly game of votes. hold your head high and know you write you ass off.
love, G
Congratulations on the diss progress and the Dirtyspoke nomination!
Yay, you're back! Congrats on the nomination, completely deserved.
I feel a long comment coming on.
I hate these kind of races, especially the male/female categories, but I thought I would try and vote this time. So I went to the site a few days back, and then I realised I have to choose between yours and chelseagirl's blog. I adore the quality, insight and passion in the writing in both sites equally, for many different reasons. I visit both every day. So I thought, I won't vote, this is silly. Then I realized I have that same silliness inside me, cos I thought: what if everyone does the same, and then neither of you get it? It wouldn't matter, but also it would suck. So I went for chelseagirl. You both have my admiration, but she just spews out the goodness day after day. You... you I have to wait for to shake an eightball and get the right outcome. ;) (You know I love you.)
I should talk anyways. You are so sweet to mention my blog, especially when it has degenerated into this unkempt, slovenly, backbone-less blob of late. (Well, for most of the past year.) If this keeps up, I will take the noble route, and use a random emo haiku generator for my posts instead. Thanks as always for reading!
I am happy that one of us has been productive, and also glad to see you and Tricia slurped up a storm together.
Love, learn
PS. The scrabbling sounds intriguing. Just when I thought I was running out of ways to procrastinate too. PPS. Please keep a guest towel for me in your box, lest I stop by.
The nomination you received is truly deserved in my humble opinion. I find the tenacity and emotion you write with unparalleled. Thanks for the mention O, I am flattered to say the least.
Learn sweetie, I'm coming to the rescue with Appletinis and sex toys. Just say the magic words... "Tickle Me Emo".
O thank you for posting my picture. It has made me realize that I am in desperate need of a haircut. But I do look quite Homeless Chic, don't you think?
I would cut it today but apparently it has become the home of a family of Thrashers and a couple of dormice. Now how cruel would it be to kick them out into the cold? I should wait til spring.
On another note... I did vote for Chelsea Girl. I know how much you love her and so I love her too. I do want to say though that although I know that awards and attention mean little to you (or else you would post more often :P) I do admire the fact that you would be more happy to see your friends win than to win yourself. That kind of selflessness is what makes you so special and such a good friend.
I love you baby. You rock!
Hello, I am writing to you from London-based TV production company Shine. We are currently developing a programme about people who write a blog about their sexual experiences or sex lives in general. I think your blog is great and would love you to be a part of the show... Could you send me an email on to discuss it further?
Thanks, Anna
I've been so busy this week, I didn't check in till now and see your post. You are too kind! A "nomination" from you means far more to me than any contest ever would.
But, being as there IS a contest going on, you surely DO deserve to be nominated. You're a fabulous writer and you are able to write about sexuality both lyrically and bluntly at the same time, and that is a talent. And not only that, but you *really* write about sex when you write about sex--it's never just the physical act, it's all the complexity of emotion surrounding it, too. There are not many who can do that.
I agree with many of your "missed out" categories, of the bloggers I know. But there are a lot of blogs you mentioned I don't know yet and am excited to check out. If you like them I'm certain they must be high quality. Thanks for the recommendations. I love new reading!
Why, aren't you kind. Thanks!
congrats on being nominated. you so deserve it. i agree with you that the blogs that are about more then sex probably limit readership, but really are the most engaging. thank you so much for the mention. i'm flattered and encouraged. cheers, sss.
I was honestly starting to get worried about you, but I know you have a lot on your plate right now. Good to see you pop up however.
You do deserve the nomination and you should be proud of it. As I am that you thought to mention my little corner of the world, I appreciate that. We all work at these and it is nice when someone notices, although to be honest I'm glad not many notice me.
Just keep hanging in there, hope the Diss is going well and stop in to say hi every once in awhile.
That you didn't win dismays me. But that you mentioned me is thrilling. Please do come, O, and bring your beautiful words and sharp insight.
I voted for you as well! And well desired. I agree with "always aroused girl. I'm "blushing" and surprised to see my name here on your list. *pleased and honored* as well.
Been such an interesting year. I've about determined some of my thesis ideas. Good luck with your dissertation!
u realy did yr homework.
always do enjoy yr write ups !
Care to play Scrabble, m'dear? Pixiepit is an enjoyable site...
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You deserve the nom too, baby.
You think I'm sexy? ***blushing***