Thursday, June 08, 2006 |
Flesh |
Lock your door. Not much time. Make sure the lights are out-- they won't know we're in here. I can feel already how your cock is straining against your fly when we kiss. I know I'm already wet. No time now for the long hard slow and sweet. Later, later. There will be time, there will be time, time for you and time for me, time for a hundred visions and revisions. Right now, I just need you hard.
I need you to give it to me hard, right now.
Still kissing, you push me back towards your desk. I need that support, or else I'll fall. The edge of it suddenly there just under my ass--now I can lean back a little, open up just enough distance between us. I need to have your cock in my hands. Don't stop kissing me. I want you to eat me. I need to drink you. I want you like air.
I need to steal your breath and become your own air, that essential element. I need you stripped of speech, and I need you to strip me just naked enough that you can fuck me hard and fast and dirty, fuck me into speechless physicality here, now. I want you to fuck me into being an animal, a creature without thought or language. And I know this is something you yourself are capable of giving me. It's what I can give you too.
One hand in my hair and you are tipping my head back, turning my face up to you to kiss me. Your other hand on my throat, so tender. You gasp against my mouth when I uncover you and hold you in my hand--god I love button flies, old ones, making it possible for me to unwrap you in a instant. I need to slide both my hands in now at once, not even touching your cock yet. I need to hold your balls in my hand, feel them drawn up already with your need to come for me. Not yet.
Now I close my hand around your cock. This is when your hand leaves my throat, drops straight down, between my parted thighs. You nudge them further apart with your knee, and under my skirt you pull aside my panties, just enough. Your fingers touch me gently, too gently almost, I feel I'll spill over, and I do, hot slickness spilling out and coating your fingers, and I feel I'll fall. You catch me, your other arm across my back now, holding me up. I can't bear the intensity of that gentle touch, the way you brush my clit there so softly, after that violent motion of your hand diving straight down. I squeeze your cock and you throb in my hand, answering me. I'm already so wet it's almost embarrassing, and I feel you wet now too, the beginnings of come coating the head of your cock, appearing there.
I have to taste you. I lean over, forcing you to stop touching me there. I'll have control for just a minute longer. I press my lips and tongue against the wetness there on the head of your cock, just tasting you, smelling you. I need to drink you.
You plunge both hands in my hair now. I know what you want. I want it too; you know I love that and I crave your cock that way, You want me to open my mouth and throat to you; you want to plunge into me. Not yet. I just want the beginnings of your come on my lips and tongue, and so I roll the tip alone of your cock against my lips like I would lipstick, painting them, brushing you.
I want you to kiss me now again, and you do. I need you to taste yourself on my mouth.
Pants down around your ankles, and my skirt pulled up around my waist, I lean back on your desk, on my elbows. I pull aside my panties now so you can see what I want, where I want it. How much I want it. I can't speak, even if we didnt have to be quiet, you've stolen my words and I yours. You make me mute. No Word, now, I am only Flesh.
This is when you push me down all the way, and books and papers fall. You put my legs over your shoulders, You stretch my panties to the side, and plunge your cock into me as your tongue enters my mouth. You slide into me all the way, slowly, taking me and stretching me open with that single thrust, the full length of you. and I love it. Merciless, yet gentle, you ravish me, you make me take you and open to you, and you make me want it, love it. I want this, to be ravished and ravaged by you, to be entered, penetrated, known.
My cunt squeezes around you like a hot wet fist, spasms already, opens up for you like my mouth would open for your cock, just like my mouth is opening now under your own. I can not tell whether the heat inside is generated by you or me, but I feel my own wetness running down me, coating your balls as you sink so deeply into me and so hard that your balls slap my ass. This is when your hands find mine. You hold them above my head and you hold me down too, pinning me down, our fingers interlaced. You're taking me, and these interlocked fingers are the sign that I take you too. You thrust, and thrust again, such sweet pain as the head of your cock bumps my cervix, that other hungry mouth.
Please don't stop I'd beg you if I could speak, this is what I need; I need you to fuck me like this, just like this ....
Instead I can only utter those sounds that aren't words, that mean the same thing.
Then you withdraw, suddenly, pull away leaving me empty and wet, naked and spread, a fruit split open and tender. "No!' I say--but you're on your knees now, you drop down. I hear change fall out of your pockets and rattle on the floor. You need now to bury your face in me, to taste me, to eat me, and your tongue paints me there now, long strokes, all over, one hand holding my underwear out of the way just enough. Why is this partial nakedness more naked? But it is. This partial nakedness signals pure craving, an inability to wait.
I grab you by the hair, I need you. And you resist, but won't deny me. How can you deny your self?
And so you stand-- I need you to stand and deliver-- and you do, you give me what I want, your cock slammed in me again all the way, and you fuck me brutally, you fuck me like I need, you fuck me like you need, into brutishness--we fuck each other like we need--beyond the limits of our language and world. |
posted by O @ 06:50   |